
Monday, July 9, 2012

This heat is bullshit.

Went to Yorktown to bike on Saturday, and the wife came along and brought the dogs. Can you tell they're excited?

Biked 20.52 miles in the heat, and felt FANTASTIC afterwards. If not for the wife/dogs I probably could have done another loop, though it's probably best to avoid pushing myself too hard. The only blemish on the ride was a squirrel that ran in front of me during one of my hill descents and ruined my momentum, but it wasn't a big deal. I stopped around the 13 mile mark for a 30 second breather and to snap a photo of one of the signs along the battlefield trail:

Got home, relaxed for a few hours and then went to the pool and swam 2000m. Crowded as hell, and the water was warm, but a good workout nonetheless. It may be my imagination but I think I can feel my pool endurance increasing.

Saturday Breakfast:
-3 slices of French toast
-4 cups of coffee
-2 cups of milk

Saturday Lunch:
-3 carnitas tacos from Chipotle
-3 glasses of mountain dew

Saturday Dinner:
-Turkey burger
-Peanut butter sandwich
-1 bottle of beer
-1 protein shake with creatine

Sunday we got a late start on our run, but I still managed to squeak out a 10K. Ankles were very sore during the first few miles, but I settled into a nice groove and felt pretty good by the end. The problem is that I started "bartering" with myself around mile 3: "Okay, you're not going to be able to do a half-marathon in this heat, so just do a 10K", so even though I could have done more I was mentally done. Having said that, it's probably for the best since the heat was so terrible. I ran the second half shirtless, and it felt much better than having a drenched shirt on. I may have to start doing that more often. 

Sunday Lunch:
-Bacon/Egg/Cheese sandwich
-3 cups of coffee
-2 glasses of milk
-1 glass of mountain dew

Sunday Dinner:
-Linguine carbonara
-2 glasses of milk
-Huge cinnamon role cake

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