
Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 Goals

Without further ado, here are my goals for 2013:

Swimming: I don't have any outlandish goals for swimming. I've got a solid base right now, so I mostly want to remain consistent in waking up at 4:00am three times a week to swim. Measurable goal: swim 300,000 for the year, which is an average of 25,000 per month.

Biking: This is where I need to make the biggest improvement. 112 of the 140.6 miles in Ironman are on the bike, and right now it's my weakest of the three disciplines since the cold weather (and short days!) have limited my time in the saddle. Currently I'm only biking once a week (a long ride on the weekend), but that will change in the next week or so when the days are finally long enough to ride after work again. This is sort of a shot in the dark, but I think 4000 miles is a good goal for the year. That's about 77 miles per week, or 333 per month, which should account for the very high 

Running: Conservatively, I want to hit the 1000 mile mark this year. That would roughly be a 20% increase over last year's mileage, and absolutely doable given my current fitness level. However, a more aggressive goal is to hit 100 miles every month for the whole year, for a grand total of 1200+ miles. Last year my running mileage was constantly up and down, and I'd like to try to be more consistent.

So to sum it up:

  • Swim 300,000 meters total.
  • Bike 4000 miles total.
  • Run 100 miles every month, or 1200 total.

In other news, I realized what was causing my ankle pain: the loafers that I wear to work (which I've had for 4+ years) were worn-down on the outsides, which was changing my natural walking stride. I bought some Sketchers and the pain was gone within a day.

The Charleston Half-Marathon is this weekend. I'm not sure what my goals for this race will be, but I'm sure I'll post about it in the next day or so once I decide.

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