
Monday, October 29, 2012


This was a very lazy week, at least until the weekend.

I was feeling a bit fatigued so I took a rest day on Monday. On Tuesday I went for a 5 mile tempo run: warm-up mile, 3 miles at race pace, then a cool-down mile. IT band didn't hurt, but it wasn't at 100%.

Wednesday was a 10 mile recovery bike ride, with the last 3:30 at LT. My quads were aching at the beginning, but eventually loosened up. That weekend ride really trashed my legs.

Thursday and Friday I did nothing. My legs still weren't feeling fantastic and I wanted to make sure they were well-rested for the weekend. I pigged-out, played videogames and sat on the couch. It was great.

Saturday was the big 20 mile run. The hurricane hadn't hit us yet, but there was still a lot of wind and a sprinkling of rain. Here's the breakdown of how I felt:

  • Miles 1-5: Achy joints, tired legs.
  • Miles 6-14: Felt amazing, wanted to run 26 miles.
  • Miles 15-17: No longer wanted to run 26 miles.
  • Miles 18-20: Everything felt "tight", but no real pain.

I swung by my car to refill water at miles 8 and 17, and it took a lot of willpower to go back out for the final 3 miles. My heart rate creep was also very high: the first 8 miles stayed in the 140s, but slipped into the 150s in the second loop and was in the 160s for the last 5 miles. And this was at a slow 11:00/mile pace.

I'm excited about setting a huge PR at the Richmond Marathon in 12 days, but my confidence for going sub 4 hours is waning. Already my mind is doing the math on "settling" for a slower race:

09:00/mile: 3:55:48
09:15/mile: 4:02:20
09:30/mile: 4:08:54
09:45/mile: 4:15:27
10:00/mile: 4:22:00
10:15/mile: 4:28:33
10:30/mile: 4:35:06

Regardless, I still plan on going out at a 9:00 pace and seeing if I have it in me. The weather dropping into the 40s later this week gives me hope that the race will be nice and cold. 

Here's a happy thought for this stormy Monday:

1 comment:

  1. That got to be the best ever poster with the sandcastles kid. Way to go for having the willpower to go through the dreaded 20 mile run. It will sure pay back in the end. Here's something for a change of pace while you go through taper madness:

    I’ve been nominated for Liebster Award and wanted to pay it forward by nominating your blog for one too!

    The Rules:
    1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
    2. Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you. <----on my blog
    3. Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
    4. Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post. Go to their page and tell them.
    5. No tag backs.
