
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Holiday

Biked 15.61 miles after work with Uri on Tuesday during the hottest part of the day. The great thing about cycling is that you hardly feel the heat at all... until you stop. We did one full loop at the battlefield trail and stopped for water, and standing around for 30 seconds felt horrible. It was a good ride though... Uri was on a mountain bike so I went a bit slower at first, which is probably better for me because I usually want to go flying right out of the gate. Now that my distance is stretching out I really should take it easy for the first loop as a warm-up.

Tuesday Lunch:
-2.5 peanut butter sandwiches
-2 glasses of milk
-3 glasses of gatorade (one before riding, one during, one after)

Tuesday Dinner:
-1.5 kobe burgers with cheese
-4 beers (shock top, leinenkugel, midas touch)
-A few brownies
-Protein shake with creatine

I wanted to get up and run yesterday morning, but I had a headache that bothered me for most of the day so I skipped it. Did some bench press at 195 lbs, but my left wrist had a little bit of pain so I lowered the weight to 165. I'm wondering if cycling is putting too much stress on my wrists. One thing I noticed is that the battlefield trail feels fine when I'm on it, but when I transition to a normal road (which I have to do for 2 miles of the loop) I can really tell how much smoother a normal road is.

I did some pull-ups after the bench, but that was pretty much it. I didn't feel like doing much, and then felt lazy for it afterwards. I also think I'm going to switch from my 3x5 lifting routine to something with more reps, like 3x12.

Wednesday Lunch:
-Protein pancake with syrup
-2 fried eggs
-4 cups of coffee
-1 cup of milk

Wednesday Dinner:
-Grilled chicken skewers
-Bacon cheddar mac & cheese
-2 glasses of milk
-2 protein shakes (one with creatine)

I'm not looking forward to the weather over the next few days:

Also, I forgot to post my total distances for June:

  • SWIM: 8.8 miles (14200m)
  • BIKE: 112.8 miles
  • RUN: 51.2 miles

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